Why should you invest in better tools instead of working harder?

A case for better tools

Let's imagine you need to remove water from a small pool with a spoon. How much time and effort will it take? How much frustrating will it be?

Now consider the same approach but a different tool; using a bucket of water. You will achieve your objective much faster with less effort.

Similarly, in order to drastically improve your productivity without working exponentially harder, you need to invest into learning and using better tools in your craft.

Photo by Babaven / Unsplash

Consider the following examples:

  • Washing a car with a pressure washer instead of a bucket of water (even if it's big, the amount of effort is significant as you need to lift it)
  • Driving with automatic transmission in a densely congested traffic instead of a manual gear
  • More traditionally, ploughing fields for plantation using modern technology instead of a shovel (even though the initial cost of investment is high, the rate of work done is exponentially bigger and can also be delegated)
  • Working on a High Resolution screen like the Retina for several hours instead of a low reflective one with minimal Dot Per Inch (DPI)

Three ways you can improve your tools:

  1. Rather than trying to work harder, invest some time searching for better tools.
  2. Sharpen the saw by educating yourself a few minutes per week on how to improve your craft with the existing tools you have.
  3. Make it a habit of asking people on what tools they use to solve certain problems, not necessarily related to their jobs - for instance - a box of screwdrivers for doors maintenance.