How to search for another value in the same property in a schema with MongoDB?


As an admin, the person should know - when looking at a customer details - if the latter already has an existing account or not. Depending on the case, a button should be displayed with the respective message - create new account or reset password for existing account.

However, since the application is both used for B2B and B2C, a customer can have either an email or personal_email property or both.

The objective is to check the email property if present, otherwise query the personal_email one. My initial implementation is using an if else and querying the mongoDB database twice. This approach is not recommended because I am making two database calls, which can be done in one.

An example of using or with mongoose ORM

The idea here is to retrieve his or her account irrespective of the email. Since we are dealing with both businesses and individuals, it's possible that either email is stored.

User.find( { $or:[ {'email':email}, {'email':particulier_email} ]}, 
    if(!err) res.send(docs);
